incompatible adj. 1.不相容的,难两立的,矛盾的 (with)。 2.【医学】配伍禁忌的。 3.不能配合的。 She asked for a divorce because they were utterly incompatible. 她请求离婚,因为他们完全合不来。 incompatible colours 不调和的色彩。 n. -bility ,-bly adv.
This reversal of the roles is incompatible with our physical record that one meter stick is shorter than the other . 这种地极的互换和一根杆比另一根杆短的物理记录是矛盾的。
Ideal physical beauty is incompatible with emotional development and a full recognition of the coil of things . 发展感情同时认识全部事物的纠缠纷淆是不适合于理想的形体美的。
The modified expoxy resins, i.e. those with plasticizers added to improve workability, were found to be incompatible with the fluoro carbon flotation fluids . 改性的环氧树脂,即加入了可塑剂已改善操作性能的树脂,与氟碳化合物的浮液是不相容的。
His plan is incompatible with my own intentions 他的计划与我的意图发生矛盾。
Moreover can appear funny or is incompatible with 而且会显得滑稽或格格不入。
The address is incompatible with the requested protocol 地址与请求的协议不兼容。
His plan is incompatible with my intentions 他的计划与我的意图相抵触。
Late hours are incompatible with health 熬夜则不会健康。
Only resources that are incompatible with rolling upgrades are unavailable 只有不支持滚动升级的资源不可用。